Join our loyalty program for free

Be blown away by Marival Access, our exclusive loyalty program where your favorite experiences are not just moments; they´re opportunities to earn and enjoy. Elevate your getaway game by joining today, unlocking a world of exclusive rates for Access members only and irresistible perks that are yours and yours alone. The best part? Joining has no cost.

Marival Access Armony Luxury Resort & Spa

Register or log in through our official website to unlock:

  • A Marival Access members-only rate
  • Anticipated access to our top sales
  • A 15% discount at Mélange World Spa
  • A restaurant-exclusive reward system

Before from: $924 USD Per two adults, per night. All Inclusive.
  • Our adults-only, all-inclusive plan
  • Up to $250 USD in Resort Credit (2)
  • Included water activities
  • Included wellness experiences
  • VIP parties
  • Access to all our gourmet restaurants
Terms and conditions
  1. Promotion valid from now to December 22, 2025, with travel dates between today and January 1, 2026, at Armony Luxury Resort & Spa. .
  2. Resort Credit of $250 USD, distributed as follows: Couples massage at Melange World Spa $75 USD (prior reservation required), access to VIP area $50 USD (requires a reservation for a minimum of two persons), Special couple´s dinner at the beach $40 USD (with premium champagne bottle), upgrade room category $50 USD, Lobster $20 USD (requires a minimum purchase of two Lobsters), and bottle of Wine in restaurants $15 USD (applies with a minimum $35 USD purchase). Not combinable with other promotions. Only one coupon per room/suite valid per stay, non-transferable. Not redeemable for cash. If the total purchase is less than the value of the Resort Credit coupons, the balance cannot be credited for further purchases nor returned in cash. Cannot be used for any other service not specified on the Resort Credit coupon. Valid for minimum stays of 3 nights.
  3. Valid for new reservations only. This promotion does not apply to hotel + flight packages, Inovation Travel, Marival Vacation Club, groups, or wedding reservations. This offer is not commissionable for agents. Closing dates may apply. Subject to availability and cancellation policies.